2023-12-07 17:37
更新时间:2023-12-07 17:40:00作者:智小条
1. 他用一系列的谎言和夸大其词的宣传来招摇撞骗,最终却被揭穿了。
He used a series of lies and exaggerated publicity to deceive others, but was eventually exposed.
2. 这位政客利用民众的信任来招摇撞骗,最终获得了胜利。
This politician used the trust of the people to deceive and ultimately won the election.
3. 他们为了吸引投资者,不惜招摇撞骗,结果导致公司破产。
In order to attract investors, they resorted to deception and ultimately led the company to bankruptcy.
4. 这个商人以高额回报为诱饵,成功地招摇撞骗了许多投资者。
This businessman successfully deceived many investors with high returns as bait.
5. 这种招摇撞骗的行为已经受到法律严厉打击,并被列为犯罪行为。
Such deceptive behavior has been severely punished by the law and is listed as a criminal act.
1. 这个公司利用虚假宣传来欺骗消费者,最终被曝光。
This company used false advertising to deceive consumers and was eventually exposed.
2. 他们通过编造据来蒙骗法庭,最终被判处重刑。
They fabricated false evidence to deceive the court and were ultimately sentenced to heavy punishment.
3. 这个投资项目实际上是一个诈骗计划,许多人因此受到损失。
This investment project was actually a scam, causing many people to suffer losses.
4. 这位政客通过承诺各种好处来骗取选民的支持,最终当选了。
This politician won the support of voters by promising various benefits and ultimately became the mayor.
5. 他总是故弄玄虚地回避问题,让人感觉他在招摇撞骗。
He always evades questions with mysterious words, making people feel like he is deceiving them.